Monday, April 13, 2009


Gemuz n I watching FAST N THE FURIOUS at MIDVAL...Those who want watch the movie in this weekend I suggest u to watch this movie...superb duper best giler gue ckp. I wish can watch CONFESSION of a SHOPAHOLIC...biler nak tgk sure ader jer halangannyer..

Our movie finish at 1.30am..On the way back aku terkejut..aku jumpalah Mr.f aku nie. dr jauh aku nampak rambut spiky. mamat nie macho giler beb. senyum lak sampai ke telinga. I wonder wat makes he happy. patutlah rupernyer ader 'KAWAN' rupernyer di sebelah. yg aku x tahan mase adegan kejut mengejut ni, Mr.f ni dh nampak aku leh lak dier buat tutup2 muker. malulah katerkan. Jumpa n salam. Punyerlah malu sampai melalut2 tanyer soalan kat adly..kelakar2...lagilah kitaorg mendrop dier..:)
Mr.f if u seen me again plz react as usual...wakakaka


I have interview session 2day. Alhamdulillah, interview smooth n nothing much he ask me but I have too much questions about the company like benefit, sokso, medical n salary. Staff dier mak aii bergaya siap ader pakai skirt pendek gi2. Muda2 lak 2. The interview more intro the company n orientation me with other staff. Siap tunjuk CEO dier lagi. The result I will know during in this week.

Thanks cikmah n bob teman aku g interview.


  1. hehehe. uisyo pet. ko interview ktne?

  2. hahaha...siapekah mr. f yg cube ko maksudkan tuh???gua rase die bukannye malu tapi die masih terkejut ngan cerita seram 'jgn tegur' yg die baru pas tengok tuh...hehehe!!!

  3. cikgu nyer interview nie bile lak nak kuar lak yer.....lambat lak result kpli nie...

  4. LEEN: aku interview kat bandar pinggiran subang.Jauh giler

    BADD: hmmm...i think u can guess. leh caye ker MR.f terkejut dgn citer 2 ke nak cover.

    ADLY: result 2 maybe will come out on 22/4 but don't know if I the choosen one. KAlo x terpilih sy keje engineer ek
