Monday, April 6, 2009

Almost Done

Saturday (4/4/2009)

Thanks Shima make accompany with me went to ALAMANDA...brought present to ADLY because of our anniversary in 2 years...Sori syg can't celebrate it, bz wit my exam n also don't have much time left for us to hangout.

My gemuz was speechless when I shows the watch at him. he has been long time to find da new one of the watch like this design. At last his dream come truth. LOVE UUU

At night we went to TTDI because ADLY nak blanjer us makan...sodap makanannyer..udang celup tepung sehingga menjilat jari...He told me that place he ate his lunch with other staff. After that we went to OU watched the movie.

Monday (6/4/2009)

Alhamdulillah at last my presentation project already done. YES, YES, YES I almost grade just submit my thesis on next week...

with our supervisor...Puan Halimatun thanks for everything..your advise will be as my guideline

After this i will enter the new world. Still worry that don't has any interview or call from company I applied.


  1. alhamdulillah...da settle ko belajo ye...bagus2...bab keje tuh, banyak2 la bersabo...nanti ade la rezeki tuh...biasenye kalo da abis stadi bukan kene open table ke???lalalala....

  2. BAD: adlhamdulillah.yelah aku riso xdok keje. nak open table? sorilah xdpt sebab memerlukan duit utk membuat cover thesis

  3. Len kali letak gambr jam tulis jenama,harga,model. Lagi bagus letak price tag. Xdala payah aku nk kne zoom n google bp hrga. Haha!

  4. Hi there, its aida :)
    U were asking about Nuffnang rite? :)
    I think the best way is to register with nuffnang (simply go to,
    and then u can go the main box (next to your profile picture) and go to "click here for more menu items" and then go to "add units to your blog".
    The next thing you can do is to choose where you would like the ads to be. The easiest will be "to put on the sidebar". All you have to do go to the layout section on your blog - add a gadget - HTML/Javascript and copy the code on the nuffnang then paste to the blog gadget.

    Btw, you will only get the ads according to the click-through ratio - no of unique click from visitors. Kalau reach certain limit baru keluar ads.

    Hope that helps, panjang pula mcm promoter nuffnang ;pp

  5. Fati: hahaha..just letak gambar jerlah...aku bukan nak promote barang..wakakak

    Aida Narina: Thanks

  6. i nmpk sungguh gemuk...aih...

    sila ke kedai jam berdekatan untuk maklumat lanjut...nk lg lanjut buzz aku weh...hahaha

  7. awk, hp xnak bg ker? hehehe...

    ape2 pon thx ^^

  8. SHIMA: hahaha..ko memang gemuk pendek...wakakak

    ADLY: no bajet
