Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In The End

At last I already finish wit my last paper exam iaitu ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Susah giler. Yeah, at last finish wit my degree in da subject but still has project that will be present on 6/4/2009 and submit my thesis on 17/4/2009. Chayok2...AT last x perlulah bersusah payah bertapa kat library biler exam. 6 years I studied in UNITEN. HAPPY, SAD, Sengal n SUSAH PAYAH semuanyer aku rase. But I am happy wit my life expecially have fun wit my friends n dating wit GEMUZ...patutlah org ckp time blajar nielah nak enjoy dgn kekawan n time nilah memang da best memories..YA that its truth because I gone through it. All those da memories I keep it until in da end...Sedih lak nak tinggalkan UNITEN. xderlah sesyg sgt kat UNITEN but it's difficult to see my friends after dis. Only convocation jerlah rasenyer leh berkumpul... Wedding I don't think they would come. Yelah masing2 ader keje...Bukannyer semua kerja kat KL nie. Hopefully my wedding, friends from UNITEN can come and celebrate my happiness time. Expecially SHIMA, LIA, AINI, IJA, UMI, LEEN, CIKMAH, AKIE, MIRA, BOB, POJIE, EDDY, BOB JOHOR, PALIE, RAJA, RAJA NASUHA, ABIE, NAS, OTEK, TOTI, IJU, HAMID n sesaper jer...I wish all of you all da best for your job as engineer, lecturer or ape2 kejelah asal jgn jual dadah n merompak sudeng...kepada sesaper dh jadi CEO or BOARD DIRECTOR jgn luper bgtau aku...aku nak pau..wakakak..Thanks GEMUZ for accompany wit me when my exam held in 2 weeks...

I will miss u all....:(


  1. habeh dah??haha..bagus2,tahniah..
    gud luck..!!

  2. dah abes dah eh....waakakakka. rumah bdak pumpuan bersepah tol. x reti2 nak kemas ker muahahahahah

  3. adoi...sedihnye entry ko kali nih...nak berpisah ngan UNITEN la katekan...hahaha!!!ape2 pon, welcome to the working life...prepare your mental n strength!!!chaiyo2!!

  4. capefire: a'a thanks

    GEMUZ: ni sebab studylah kalo x sure clean n tidy maaa...

    BADD: a'a, sedih tapi takut nak masuk working life lak

  5. Hoyeh!akhrnye..bakar meriam kebaboom.. Welcome to new world. Besedia untuk transformasi.. Lagi banyak colors yang ko xpenah nampak b4 ni.. B prepared

  6. FATIHAH: hahah...prepare guanner..projek pun x siap aku tgh mencari keje lagi nie...huhuhu
