Sunday, December 16, 2012


yEAH!!! Mughni already 1 year old. Dh besar anakku. I still remeber how small he is when I deliver him. Only 2.7kg. Kecil kan....Now dia dh besar. Pandai main, mengagah, merangkak, mengutip and berjalan....Yooohooo. If I want go shopping and see my husband and I bersiap cantik dierlah org pertama yg dtg minta dukung. Means he want us bring him along. Same as my parents, sister and brother. He will do the same way.


so we celebrated his birthday at Setia City Mall. Some his clothes. Gila banyak kitaorg beli because baju yg ada skarang ni only 6-12 months. So we need buy it 12-18 months punya age...

Before we went for lunch we need to change diaper Mughni. Memang sudah penuh. So we went to Parkson baby room. This is my 1st time I see baby room very comfirtable. Unbelievable they also has Sterilizer (AVENT), Warmer (AVENT) and  Filter air. Easy for mothers yg breast feed baby and warm the milk if they put milk in botlle. Others like sofa, changing diaper, sinki and etc. Basic of baby room. Other shopping mall x pernah lagi sediakan semua barang ini.


After that we went for lunch. This time special sikit cause my husband and I blanja our family makan kat Tony Romas



Malam plak, we invited our relatives datang umah for celebrated potong kek Mughni. Unlucky Mughni plak sudah tido. Probably because of tired shopping around Setia City Mall. He very excited tau. Macam tau2 je Birthday dia


Tomorrow nya plak we went to Aquaria KLCC. Just for educate and introduction kat Mughni pasal ikan. Sometimes adult pun x tau jenis2 ikan yg ada kat dunia ni. Also he really excited. Sampai menjerit2 during we went in tunnel. He will scream again konon nya macam Shark tu nak kejar dia. When he saw a group of fish bergerak bersama slow and fast he will gelak terkekeh2....Very cute....  Tapi bila tengok ular,biawak, annaconda or any type reptilia he  not interested. Buat bodo je..heheh



Hahaha...X lupa juga presents Mughni


Thank you Wan Ndak's family


Thank you Auntie and Uncle Lan



Thank you Akie and Onie


Thank you Wan Cik's Family give Mughni RM 50.00



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